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Why to choose a Guide

Nowadays it looks easy to create your own walking itinerary on the mountains: you get fascinated by a stunning picture seen on a social, you search on the internet some technical report written by someone else already been there, the satellite navigator of your car tells you how many kilometers and time you need to get to the starting point and, walking boots at your feet, you'll be ready to walk your way along the choosen trail...

So, why should you have to rely on a Guide?

Here is a short list of some good reasons:

  • you can do your excursion without any worries on technical matters: how long does it take to walk that elevation gain or the entire trail? What are the conditions of that path today ? Are there dangerous points or passages along the path? And where could I stop for a meal? Your Guide will think of all these tasks, while you'll simply enjoy your walking day.

  • you can "dive" into Nature at a slow pace, with other people in the group and with the joy of arriving at destination all together

  • you can live unique experiences in places of extraordinary environmental, natural, historical, geologicalvalence, discovering new interesting and curious aspects about flora, wildlife, local history and food tradition…

  • you can learn the names of the peaks, the valleys, plants and flowers, the typical villages and hamlets along the way

  • your Guide will give precious suggestions about the proper clothing according to the chosen destination, itinerary, weather and season as well as the right accessories to put inside your backpack

  • you can hear anecdotes and stories related to the territory by the direct testimony of your Guide

  • you will walk together with other people, sharing with them your passion for nature and outdoor, chatting and forming new friendships

So join us: Ossolatrek awaits you to discover (again) the pleasure of walking in the outdoor!

Ossolatrek guide escursionistiche, omodossola, ossola, trek

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